• Head librarian: Nornedottir

  • Gleaner:

  • WIP

  • WIP

  • WIP

Welcome to
the Wyldwood Legacy

Library of all things-
Legacy of the Dragons

Welcome to our community library over all things related to the world of Faeo and the game Legacy of the Dragons. We aim to forward information about the game and the world of Faeo in an accessible matter. Visuals, graphics, large text to make it easier to navigate.Information is gathered from the official library or in game. Additional information from Ecliptifactus, the forum and gathered by our Gleaners and Adventurers. Everything is then written, catalogued and organized carefully into the collection by our librarians.This library is currently a work in progress.

Index over all the books and documents in the Wyldwood Legacy Library.Coming when Nornedottir has enough coffee...

  • Head librarian: Nornedottir

  • Gleaner:

  • WIP

  • WIP

  • WIP

About the game

Legend: Legacy of the Dragons is a free-to-play, award winning fantasy browser-based MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game) anyone can play without any extra installation hassle!Pick a side in an eternal battle between the Human race and the nation of Magmars in the world of Faeo. Customize your character with powerful weapons and armor sets depending on your class. There are hundreds of epic quests, unique locations and vivid characters, vast dungeons filled with thousands of collectible items and useful resources to gather. Form a clan or a party and experience awesome boss battles, engage in massive 500 vs 500 Player versus Player clash events brought to you via a fully animated asynchronous dynamic combat system. Tame your own Tiger or Zorb and summon it as a personal guard. Hone your skills and become a renowned master of the profession of your choice. Learn battle magic spells and deadly combos to stun or vaporize your enemies. Master the lore of the Dragons and become a Legend!

Wyldwood Clan

Born from the boughs of the Wyldwood, we the fey spirits were created by our Everqueen Alarielle. We are her servants of life here to protect the natural order. To fight chaos, to stay strong together is our path. We may seem graceful and gentle, but do not be fooled. We will unleash the wrath of nature upon any who threatens the Wyldwood and the natural order. Though spread far across the world, we are all connected through the Spirit-Song, which all Alarielle's children hear. Together we stand, together we fight.Stay up to date with our clan community on Discord and check out our clan profile below.

  • Head librarian: Nornedottir

  • Gleaner:

  • WIP

  • WIP

  • WIP

Welcome to the wonderful world of Faeo. This section in the library is dedicated to various topics across Faeo and it's lore, location and factions.Some of our books are still being compiled and written, thank you for your patience, warrior.


The universe shuddered at the sight of the two Great Dragons Erifarius and Striagorn locked in combat.

And never had the World seen a battle more terrible, and nobody knew what fate awaited them. But that was later, before that was history...

- Legend
- Races
- Dragons
- Cities

- First era of creation
- Second era of creation
- Era of change
- Era of the Dragons
- Legacy of Tallaar
- Memorial wall
- The firstborn


  • Head librarian: Nornedottir

  • Gleaner:

  • WIP

  • WIP

  • WIP

Seeking some guidance? Fret not, our library have a small selection of guides to help you out!Some of our books are still being compiled and written, thank you for your patience, warrior.

- Normal events
- Special events
- Seasonal events

Little Dragon Urchi

This little dragon that appeared mysteriously in Faeo looks nothing like his bellicose fire-breathing relatives. An inquisitive and mischievous little fellow who is interested in everything around him and strives to learn as much as possible about the amazing world he has been destined to inhabit.Urchi will give you a quest daily, if he doesn't speak to you - check the "recurring quest" tab for the cooldown. If Urchi is still on cooldown, this text will appear when you try to talk to him in your backpack:

* The little dragon yawns and stretches sleepily *
Time for a nap in a secluded corner... Tired... So many new and interesting things around...


The Little Dragon Urchi is interested in everything that is happening in Faeo. But sometimes he is simply bored. To gain new knowledge and also to have some fun, he has asks his owner to carry out important and interesting tasks.


Urchi will reward you different sacks. If you choose to hold on to the sack you will get a better one when you complete your next quest/task. You can stack up to 5 times = Luxury Urchi Sack.

Number of tasksReward
1st task completeSmall Urchi Sack
2nd task completeMedium Urchi Sack
3rd task completeLarge Urchi Sack
4th task completeRich Urchi Sack
5th task completeLuxury Urchi Sack

Urchi's Tasks

  • Destroy 5 monsters, whose level is no more than 1 level below yours.

He sits at the bottom of the backpack looking at the items stored inside. When the backpack is opened, he squints his eyes and lifts his head to the light.
"Well, you certainly have a lot of interesting things... And there is so much for me still to learn about this world. Do you know I want to grow up to be not just the strongest, but also the cleverest, yes! Will you help me? Really-really-really? Then I will start straight away, r-r-r! Please do as I ask and I will give you a very huge Dragon thank you!"
"Of course, I would be happy to help you."

  • Head librarian: Nornedottir

  • Gleaner:

  • WIP

  • WIP

  • WIP

The road is dark, and full or terrors. And monsters, lots of monsters. Read the books about the various monsters to be prepared for what lies ahead.Some of our books are still being compiled and written, thank you for your patience, warrior.


A collection of monsters you can meet out in the field while hunting.

Level 1

Level 2

  • Head librarian: Nornedottir

  • Gleaner:

  • WIP

  • WIP

  • WIP

So little time, so many, many items! Here you can find an overview of some of the items you can find across Faeo.Some of our books are still being compiled and written, thank you for your patience, warrior.

  • Head librarian: Nornedottir

  • Gleaner:

  • WIP

  • WIP

  • WIP

Some of our books are still being compiled and written, thank you for your patience, warrior.

- Boneceusher
- Dodger
- Heavyweight

- Miner
- Herbologist
- Fisher
- Jeweller
- Alchemist
- Sorcerer
- Locksmith
- Healer
- Executioner


There are 3 different classes you can play, depending on what type of play style you prefer.

Damage dealers
Moderate damage
Life and protection


Bonecrushers are a class of players who specialize in dealing out huge amounts of damage in a very short amount of time with critical hits. This makes them excellent fighters in large groups against strong mobs as they can deal the most damage in the shortest amount of time. Armour for this type of player at levels 1-4 are the Executioner and the Anger sets (Both which primarily increase intuition). The executioner set is classified as low green armour and the Anger set is classified as low blue armour. Both will be discussed later. Bonecrushers are further advised to utilize amulets of destruction (Increases Intuition) and Elixirs of Blood (which greatly increase a chance to deal a critical on the next hit). Armour, amulets and elixirs used in conjunction will result in many more critical hits than normal hits (If any normal hits are seen at all). Bonecrushers hunt best in groups and ensure that enough damage is dealt to a mob or creature.


Dodgers are players who prefer to dodger hits rather than try to hit harder or block. In this case dodgers are the least useful to hunting large mobs as they cannot tank and deal only moderate amounts of damage. They may however, depending on the circumstances be able to survive the longest due to their dodging ability, which in some circumstances could allow them to ‘tank’ moderately well. Armour for this type of player at levels 1-4 are the Twilight and Northern-Wind Sets (Primary attribute upgraded is dexterity). Dodgers should utilize scrolls of healing and Elixirs of Wind in battle to ensure survivability as they do not have a lot of life.


Heavyweights are tanks. They are players who will block most hits that are directed towards them and even if hits are not blocked, they have the most hit-points of all classes and can therefore, take a beating. Heavyweights are best for solo mob hunting as they can afford to take the damage. They do not give out a lot of damage but are excellent support. Armour for heavyweight’s levels 1-4 is the Mammoth and Slayer of Giants Set (Increases life level and protection). Heavyweights would mostly use Elixirs of Giant (to increase life), Elixirs of life(for better healing) and Scrolls of Rockskin to boost protection.

PvP general guidelines

• Bonecrushers will usually defeat heavyweights with moderate ease as their damage negates the Heavyweights life advantage and blocking seems to be reduced against Bonecrushers.
• Dodgers will usually beat Bonecrushers by their sheer amount of unblocked dodging and be a constant frustration to bonecrushers.
• Heavyweights beat Dodgers into submission by usually blocking all incoming hits and shrugging off the hits that do connect. They also seem to hit dodgers more often than not.

Originally posted to the - LOTD forum - by Yvil, text by Inouva.


  • Miner

  • Herbologist

  • Fisher

  • Jeweller

  • Alchemist

  • Sorcerer

  • Locksmith

  • Healer

  • Executioner


Professions are available from level 3, and you can chose one of each (one gatherer, one crafter and one additional profession). Some professions go well together (gatherers and crafters), but you can chose any combination.

  • Miner - Jeweller (uses miner resources)

  • Herbologist - Alchemist (uses herbologist resources)

  • Fisher - Sorcerer (uses fisher resources)

Minerals and precious rocksPlants, grass and flowersVarious fish and edible fish

Talismans & runesElixirs & herbal mixturesScrolls & ink

Open chestsHeal woundsInflict injuries
Attack players

Character attributes

Physical Attributes

StrengthIncreases physical damage.10 units of Strength increase average physical damage by 1.
VitalityIncreases the amount of life.Each unit of Vitality increases the maximum amount of life by 1.
Agility / DexterityIncreases the chance to dodge the enemy's physical attack.The higher the opponent's level, the less effect each Agility unit has.
IntuitionIncreases the chance to deal a physical critical blow.The higher the level of the opponent, the less effect each unit of Intuition has.
ProtectionIncreases the chance to block an enemy's physical attack.The higher the level of the opponent, the less effect each unit of Protection has.

Important: Critical hit, triggered by Intuition, can not be blocked.

Magical Attributes

WisdomIncreases magic damage.10 units of Wisdom increase the average magical damage by 1.
IntellectIncreases your mana.Each Intellect unit increases the maximum amount of mana by 1.
SuppressionIncreases the chance of opponents blundering the spells.The higher the level of the opponent, the less effect each unit of Suppression has.

Important: Monsters never miss their spells.
ConcentrationReduces the chance of blundering your magical hits.The higher the level of the opponent, the higher Concentration is required.

Important: The base value of blundering the spell against an opponent with same or lower level is equal 4%.
Protection from MagicIncreases the chance to reflect a part or all of the enemy's magic attack.The higher the level of the opponent, the less effect each Protection from Magic has.

Important: May reflect 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of magic damage.
PenetrationReduces the chance of reflecting your magical attacks by the opponent.Each unit of Penetration reduces the Protection from Magic of the enemy by 1.
WillIncreases the chance to inflict a critical magical blow.The higher the level of the opponent, the less the effect each Will has.

Other Attributes

SpeedReduces the mandatory waiting time to move from one location to another.Increasing the Speed attribute reduces the time it takes to move to the next location. Having 100 Speed will reduce the waiting time by 50%, Having 200 Speed will reduce the waiting time by 75%, and so on.
TraumaIncreases the chance of causing injury to the enemy after killing him.The higher the level of the opponent, the lower the chance of wounding the enemy. For each level of difference, the chance of injury is reduced by 25%.

Important : The Trauma unit gives an additional 1% chance of causing injury.
AntitraumaReduces the chance of gaining an injury, its level and duration.The higher the amount of Anti-Trauma, the lower the chance of gaining an injury and its level, and the duration in the case of death.
InitiativeIncreases the chance to hit first in battle.100 units of Initiative give 100% chance of first attack against most monsters.

In the event of both players having an Initiative parameter , the difference between the values of their attributes is taken into account.
Resistance / DurabilityReduces any damage received from players.The percentage reduction in damage that each unit of resistance gives depends on the level of the character. For example, for 3rd level warriors, 100 durability will give a damage reduction of 5.5%, for level 5 warriors, the same 100 resistance will only decrease by 3.8%.

Important: Reduces the damage received from other players only. Does not affect monsters and mounts.
Do not give any combat advantages. 

  • Head librarian: Nornedottir

  • Gleaner:

  • WIP

  • WIP

  • WIP

other sites

Reputation Rating

Reputation Rating (RR) is calculated on the basis of the total weight of all the medals a character has.As you boost reputation you receive medals that correspond to the amount of points achieved, and they, in turn, increase your Reputation Rating.

Please note, the value of the medals in your profile in gold coins corresponds to the amount of RR obtained.

Available RR per level

Medals and level requirements

Reputationstarting levelmin lvl red badge
Hunters of Fortune25
Reputation of Relic Seekers25
Reputation of Underground Knights35
Reputation of Hunters of the Undead37
Reputation of Juggernauts311
The Heavenly Valley of the Dwarves44
Reputation of Night Stealers/Stone Lotus/RedAxes45
Reputation of Arbiters of Fate55
Reputation of Bringers of Evil55
Reputation of Brotherhood of Virtue55
Reputation of Destroyers of Chaos55
Reputation of Flaundins66
Reputation of Great Battles77
Reputation of Goddess Aladeya77
Reputation of God of Cursed and Dead77
Reputation of Great Dragons77
Reputation of Labyrinth Explorers88
Ranger Reputation815
Mystic Reputation911
Reputation of Treasure Hunters918
Reputation of Defenders of the Continent1011
Reputation of Nymph Water God1111
Reputation of Sylphius Air Goddess1111
Reputation of Kroffdors1111
Reputation of Eldives1111
Reputation of Pet Patrons1111
Reputation of Shadow Catchers1111
Reputation of Custodians of Magic1116
Reputation of Astral Hunters1319
Reputation of Fighters against Shiass1420
Reputation of Tailsime Protectors1620
Reputation of Vision Interpreters1619
Reputation of Order of the Triads1619
Reputation of Zurhass1616
Reputation of Miuri Tao1616
Reputation of Tomb Raiders1620

Sparks of heavenly fires

In the world of Faeo, there is an alternative opportunity to increase a wide range of reputations with Spark of heavenly fire.

The Spark of the Heavenly Fires can be exchanged for a significant amount of reputation points, if given to a leader of a faction or offered to a deity.Transferable Spark can only be obtained in certain promotions from bankers which specifically say that the artefact will be transferable. Otherwise the Spark will always be non-transferable.

❱ Obstaining sparks


Trade Fair
The cost of this item is 50 Gold. You can buy for gold not more than 3 pieces. It should be remembered that the acquisition of sparks for gold is available 30 days after the last acquisition at the last fair!

The cost of this item is 45 diamonds. You can buy for diamonds no more than 5 pieces.
Private SaleBought in the Private Sale shop. The sparks purchased at this shop are not transferable.
Luck Glow eventReceiving, with the participation in the event Luck Glow The spark is not transferable.
Precious chestsFrom Precious chests. The spark is not transferable.
From administrationActions of the Administration (Sale Bonus, Premium Offers). The spark is also not transferable.
Dungeons of Forgotten HeroesFrom chests recived when exit the Dungeons of Forgotten Heroes battlefield (not 100% chance). The spark is not transferable.
Assemble fragmentsAssemble from fragments of the spark of heavenly flames that can be obtained, for example, at the altar in the Krets Cave after defeating the Krets Shaman or as a reward at various events.

Please note that most sparks are NOT TRANSFERABLE.

❱ How and where to use

1. There are no limits on the number of sparks to be handed over to one NPC.Example : in the absence of level limitations, one can increase a reputation from 0 to 3,000 exclusively with sparks.2. In case of near to the level cap for reputation, if the player gives a Spark it will give its full points and go beyond the cap. Example : if player level 7 has 2790 reputation (and the cap for using sparks is 2800) and deliver one spark then they will be having 2990 point of reputation as the spark will give them 200 points of reputation. And all is normal so no worries and do it!3. Sparks for gold are available for purchase 30 days after the last acquisition at the previous fair.REMARK: You cannot use the sparks to increase opposing reputation if the opposite of the one you are trying to increase is more than 500 rep (Example: Cannot increase Bringers of Evil if Brotherhood of Virtue is more than 500 points).The NPC to whom you should offer the spark, number of reputation points and the existing restrictions are presented in the table below. The absence of any reputation in the table indicates that the possibility of increasing the reputation by using a spark is not available.

❱ How and where to use

❱ Medals of Worship and Sparks of Heavenly Fire

Sparks are also used to receive the worship medals of certain reputations.

City Reputation

  • Introduction

  • Efril

  • City & quests
    - Dartrong and O’Delvays Recurring Quests
    - Rumengild and Waltreia Recurring Quests
    - Dartrong and O’Delvays Subject Quests
    - Rumengild and Waltreia Subject Quests

  • Extra


There are four ways you can obtain reputation:
- by completing subject quests.
- by completing recurring quests.
- by handing in Efril.
- by handing in Sparks of the Heavenly Fires.

- maximum reputation for players up to level 3: 500.
- maximum reputation for players level 4: 1500.
There are two ways you can obtain reputation:
- by completing subject quests.
- by completing recurring quests


The more Efril you give in at one time, the more City Reputation points you get for each unit of resource.

Magmar: Dartrong & Rumengild

Cities and quests

The game contains city reputations that do not influence reputation rating, but do enable you to acquire different goods in the shops.

Magmar: Dartrong & Rumengild

Magmar: Dartrong & Rumengild

Magmar: Dartrong & Rumengild

Human: O'Delvays & Waltreia

Each race has 2 main cities: one for players from level 1 (for magmars -> Dartrong, and for humans -> O'Delvays), the second - for players from level 16 (for magmars -> Rumengild, for humans -> Waltreia).

Dartrong and O’Delvays Recurring Quests

Required levelDartrong Reputation QuestsO’Delvays Reputation Questspossible RR
3Village PatrolVillage Patrol10
5Iron Five TournamentIron Five Tournament2-10
6Bloodbattle TournamentBloodbattle Tournament5-25
11War Mages TournamentWar Mages Tournament30-50

Rumengild and Waltreia Recurring Quests

Required levelRumengild Reputation QuestsWaltreia Reputation Questspossible RR
16Meridian PatrolMeridian Patrol10
16Dealing with the Earth NephertoesDealing with the Earth Nephertoes0-25
16Order for a city storeOrder for a city store5-20
16City TournamentCity Tournament20-55

Dartrong and O’Delvays Subject Quests

Required levelDartrong Reputation QuestsO’Delvays Reputation Quests
2Big Hunt for Wild HoundsBig Hunt for Wild Hounds
"Elixirs of CourageElixirs of Courage
"Stone of RevelationsDamirius’s Heartbreak
"Collar of Gidver’s DogThe Herdman’s Reed Pipe
3The Secret of the Stone of RevelationsContinuation of Search for Orlufia
"Ham for SayshaThe Wedding of the Warden’s Daughter
"Team InvitationThe Stolen Wallet
"-Thistles and the Peasant’s Heirloom
"A Spot of DevilryA Spot of Devilry
"Creation of the little peopleCreation of the little people
4Fighting the ProvocateursFighting the Provocateurs
"Occupied VillageOccupied Village
"Galmakhar’s HelmetGalmakhar’s Helmet
"Call to ArmsCall to Arms
"The Ill-fated CasketInfested River Zarat
"A Natural Vaccine Against Curses Attack of the Gordts 
"A Scaping Knife for a Gift (A Gift for Gidver)Troubles at the Mill
"The Opening GambitRescue of Orlufia
"Providential PagesBook of Basard: Page 5
"Murder of the Ambassador of HumansGold Diamond Ring
"A Profitable Deal-
5The Ultimate GambitA Great Journey
"Restoration of Vertsida’s StatuePower of the Rainbow
"Edera’s BanishmentEdera’s Banishment
6Battle of the War MagesBattle of the War Mages
"Resurrection of the Chaos DemigodExorcism for Orlufia
7The Book of the DeadGrimoire of Death
"Under SuspicionUnder Suspicion
8Sorting Out Grotz’s GangSorting Out Grotz’s Gang
9Victim of an Insatiable GodVictim of an Insatiable God
"News from HomeNews from Home
10Secret of the Tavern StoreroomSecret of the Tavern Storeroom
"Volatile WorldVolatile World
"Wolf in Sheep’s ClothingWolf in Sheep’s Clothing
11In Search of the True Nature of the FaultIn Search of the True Nature of the Fault
12The Night HunterThe Night Hunter

Rumengild and Waltreia Subject Quests

LevelRumengild Reputation QuestsWaltreia Reputation QuestsPoints
16Map of Unexplored LandsMap of Unexplored Lands300
"The Taming of the DroolizardsThe Taming of the Droolizards200
"The construction of a magical portalThe construction of a magical portal50
"Stranger in a foreign landStranger in a foreign land15
"Cure for Hi-hi-hiccupsCure for Hi-hi-hiccups10
"Resourceful FishermanResourceful Fisherman25
"Gather Strength for a JourneyGather Strength for a Journey20
"Chat on the CoastChat on the Coast30
"Meridian troubleMeridian trouble150
"-Reborn Blade50
"Trade BusinessTrade Business5
"A Mother's HeartA Mother's Heart25
"Healing GiftHealing Gift20
"Forest RetributionForest Retribution30
"On the Trail of a ThiefOn the Trail of a Thief30
"Leader Breaking Free from ChainsLeader Breaking Free from Chains25
"Miners' FearMiners' Fear35
"Green-legged Renegade ShieldsGreen-legged Renegade Shields15
"Tempering for the AgesTempering for the Ages30
"A Blade not a PickaxeA Blade not a Pickaxe30
"Road of the DeadRoad of the Dead40
"Rocs OutRocs Out40
"Return of ZirgulashReturn of Zirgulash45
"Settlement DebtsSettlement Debts25
"The Gift from the "Friend"The Gift from the "Friend"20
"The first order for a city storeThe first order for a city store10
"Dangerous Ailment of a RulerDangerous Ailment of a Ruler20
"Contra AttackContra Attack150
"Unwelcome Guests from the Bowels of the MountainsUnwelcome Guests from the Bowels of the Mountains10
"Missing CowMissing Cow15
"Remnants of Zirgulash's gangRemnants of Zirgulash's gang15
"Feathered DollFeathered Doll15
"Self-defense lessons for villagersSelf-defense lessons for villagers15
"Saving the HarvestSaving the Harvest15
"Bath TimeBath Time60
"Pathfinder's Favourite SwordPathfinder's Favourite Sword20
"Chains of SleepChains of Sleep20
"Enemy Double BlowEnemy Double Blow30
"Mysterious PoisonersMysterious Poisoners20
"Face of the EnemyFace of the Enemy20
"Scared to DeathScared to Death30
"The Flowers of EvilThe Flowers of Evil50
"Magic Doll for NeighboursMagic Doll for Neighbours20
17Winged AttackWinged Attack20
"Revenge of the LonerRevenge of the Loner35
"Trap for Maurin RenegadesTrap for Maurin Renegades20
"Joke WarsJoke Wars25
"Saving the herdSaving the herd20
"Missing BoyMissing Boy50
"Enemy's Deft PawsEnemy's Deft Paws35
"Confusing TrailConfusing Trail25
"In the Enemy's LairIn the Enemy's Lair250


Bringers of Evil

The Guild of Bringers of Evil awards reputation points to players of level 5 and above. There are no restrictions on earning Bringers of Evil reputation points and no initiation into the Guild is required.Fanatic, the curator all Bringers of Evil in the world of Faeo lives in Bringers of Evil Den which you can find in the in the Wasteland of Rest and in Eclipse Thicket.

Creation of hexes

For every hex that you create, your reputation will increase by 10. When your reputation reaches 1000 and 2000, respectively, more powerful hexes will become accessible to you at which point the creation of the previous hexes will no longer have any effect on your reputation. If you have a Brotherhood of Virtue reputation, it will be decreased by 50 every time you create a hex.

Brotherhood of Virtue

The Brotherhood of Virtue awards reputation points to players of level 5 and above, and Healers who are level 2 and above or Locksmiths of level 30 and above with no Bringers of Evil reputation. Initiation to the Brotherhood is conducted by Norak the Virtuous.

The process of destroying evil-bringing artefacts is rewarded with a defined quantity of Emanation of Good. Emanation of Good is used by the Brotherhood to create scrolls with the Brotherhood's Blessings.

Having received one of these scrolls, a Brother must use it to help the suffering, demanding nothing in return. For every such use, the Brother's reputation in the Brotherhood will grow by 10. Once a reputation of 1000 and 2000, respectively, has been achieved, you will be able to create more effective Blessings scrolls, at which point the creation of lesser scrolls will not increase your reputation any further.Your Brotherhood of Virtue reputation will be increased by 30 each time you increase your healing level.

Destroyers of Chaos

The Battalion of Destroyers of Chaos award reputation points to players of level 5 and above. Players must have access to the Isles of Fay-Go. Players must be initiated into the Battalion by Captain Bakhasha and Rukham the Guard.

To get the medal of worship you need to complete a questline of 7 parts. You will need to collect certain items and fight monsters to complete the quests.

Hunters of the Undead

The Hunters of the Undead award reputation is for players of level 3 and above. Players must first complete Shiko the Paladin's quest, «Fighting the Undead».The battle with Magish and his minions, to whom the hand of fate dealt incarceration in the Derelict House and the Royal Palaces, is the main task of the Hunters of the Undead.

Monsters to hunt + resources

Derelict House - Monsters

❱ Derelict House - Monsters

❱ Derelict House - Alternate resources

❱ Derelict House - Monsters

❱ Royal Palace/Palaces of King Magish - Monsters

❱ Palaces of King Magish - Alternate resources

❱ Royal Palace/Palaces of King Magish - Monsters

To complete the Medal of worship quest, you need to collect the following:

relic seekers

The Society of Relic Seekers awards reputation points to players of level 2 and above. There are no restrictions on earning Relic Seekers points and no initiation into the Society is required.

In order to get the Medal of worship, you need to collect:

Underground knights

The Union of Underground Knights awards reputation points to players of level 3 and above. There are no restrictions on earning Underground Knights Reputation. Players must be initiated into the Order by Vigor the Keeper and Shodu the Keeper.

Gain reputation by
- Starter quests
- Non-recurring quests
- Recurring quests
- Arena
- Battlefields
- Participate in Days of Energetic Eruption

In order to get the Medal of worship, you need to collect the following

Reputation from doing the following quests once.
Min : 816 / Max : 915

Non-Recurring Quests - Starter quests

NameQuest giver NPCReputation/Valor
Cleansing the TerritoryVigor the Keeper
Shodu the Keeper
15 Reputation
Delivery of ProvisionsCabur the Knight
Burz the Knight
20-30 Reputation
Awakening of the Ancient GuardsBlou the Knight
Frex the Knight
1000-5600 Valor
25 Reputation

Non-Recurring Quests - Level 3-7

NameQuest giver NPCReputation/Valor
The Legendary Feats of AgudarVigor the Keeper
Shodu the Keeper
100.000 Valor
200 Reputation
- The first feat of Agudar"50.000 Valor
100 Reputation
- The second feat of Agudar"50.000 Valor
100 Reputation
- The third feat of Agudar"50.000 Valor
100 Reputation
- The fourth feat of Agudar"50.000 Valor
100 Reputation
- The fifth feat of Agudar"50.000 Valor
100 Reputation

Recurring Quests

NameQuest giver NPCReputation/ValorRecurrance
Operation Dirty HandsVigor the Keeper
Shodu the Keeper
3-15 Reputationonce every 4 days
The Spawn of Spilt BloodCabur the Knight
Burz the Knight
10 Reputation
1000-5600 Valour*
Crystalline CoalVigor the Keeper
Shodu the Keeper
3-15 Reputation"
Chain of Victory in the
Temple of the Chosen
Blou the Knight
Frex the Knight
10-40 Reputation
170-6750 Valour**
once every 2 days
Chain of Victory in the
Crystalline Caves
Vigor the Keeper
Shodu the Keeper
20-80 Reputation
500-20000 Valour**
once a day
Revival of the
ancient guard***
Vigor the Keeper
Shodu the Keeper
10 Reputationevery 5 days

*Players receive Valour if they have at least 2000 Reputation of the Underground Knights.

**Players receive Valour if they have at least 3000 Reputation of the Underground Knights.

***Available to players from level 11 after completing the quest "Awakening of Ancient Guardians" and having no more than 3000 reputation points.

Arena medals for reputation

Turn in Badges of Victory in the arena, beginning the the badge for the second victory. Attention! It is not possible to hand over tokens if the maximum rank reached is reached.

Days of Energetic Eruptions

BattlefieldsDays of the EruptionRewards for a victory
Old Temple of the ChosenFirst Saturday of each month10 Reputation
170-1350 Valour*
Crystalline CavesSecond and fourth Saturday of each month20 Reputation
500-4000 Valour*
ArenaThird Saturday of each month5 Reputation
85-675 Valour*

You can also get it on the battlefields on those days when there is an energetic eruption. In those days the energy you can get out of crystals and spheres increases and the victories on the battlefields are much more appreciated by the knights.

*Players receive Valour if they have at least 3000 Reputation of the Underground Knights

Non-recurring Quests - Level 7

Starting at a later level? These quests are doable from level 7 and onwards.

NameQuestgiving NPCReputation/Valor
Ancient Hero FeatsVigor the Keeper
Shodu the Keeper
150.000 Valor
200 Reputation
- Great Battles Hero Quest"150.000 Valor
100 Reputation
- Immortal Victories Quest"150.000 Valor
100 Reputation
- Tallaar Champion Quest"150.000 Valor
100 Reputation
- Hunt for Medals Quest"150.000 Valor
100 Reputation
- Victory Symbols Quest"150.000 Valor
100 Reputation


Night Stealers | Stone Lotus | Red Axes

Medals and methodes are pretty much the same for all these 3 mercenary groups. Do tasks/quests and get reputation. You will get 50 reputation per completed task/quest. If the work offered is not to your taste, you can reject it and ask for another task.

Night StealersStone LotusRed Axes
Quest giving NPCElusive Shuan
Phinko the Sage
Lloyd the RedoubtableBloodthirsty Kyew

To get the Medals of worship, you need to collect the following
(same for all the factions):

Regarding harnesses, please note:

  • One harness is used for one mount.

  • The harness replaces the previous one, regardless of quality.

  • If the mount improves, the harness previously used is not saved

  • You can immediately get a harness of the necessary (available to you) quality and apply it.

Night Stealers

Available from level 4. No restrictions, no initiation required.The Night Stealers clan is the most ancient of all mercenary clans. It was founded so long ago that no one knows the exact date of its birth. They have survived much, working with faithful friends whilst those who have left the clan have become its eternal enemies - the Red Axes and the Stone Lotus.To join the clan, you must visit Elusive Shuan (humans) or Phinko the Sage (magmars).The main work of the Night Stealers clan is the fulfillment of orders placed by Faeo's numerous and varied residents.

Night StealersHumansMagmars
Quest giving NPCElusive ShuanPhinko the Sage

Tasks are available every 3 days.
Completing a tasks for Night Stealers will give 50 reputation.
IMPORTANT: Increasing your reputation with another mercenary clan will have a negative effect on your Night Stealers reputation.

Stone Lotus

Available from level 4. Humans only, no initiation required.The Stone Lotus clan is the personification of goodness, a halo of piety! They may be called mercenaries, but that does not mean they will do any kind of dirty work!To join the clan, you must visit Lloyd the Redoubtable. The main work of the Stone Lotus clan is the fulfillment of orders such as helping farmers, by destroying the monsters which harass them, and saving the defenceless from raging Executioners, bandits and the Red Axes.

Stone LotusHumans
Quest giving NPCLloyd the Redoubtable

Tasks are available every 3 days.
Completing a tasks for Stone Lotus will give 50 reputation.
IMPORTANT: Increasing your reputation with another mercenary clan will have a negative effect on your Stone Lotus reputation.

Red Axes

Available from level 4. Magmars only, no initiation required.The Red Axes clan is made of reckless and fearless Magmars, distinguishable by a complete absence of principles and their readiness to take on any work.To join the clan, you must visit Bloodthirsty Kyew. The main work of the Red Axes clan is the fulfillment of orders such as debt collection, the elimination of those who step on the toes of respected Magmars and, of course, the abduction of mermaids for the entertainment of magnates.

Red AxesMagmars
Quest giving NPCBloodthirsty Kyew

Tasks are available every 3 days.
Completing a tasks for Red Axes will give 50 reputation.
IMPORTANT: Increasing your reputation with another mercenary clan will have a negative effect on your Red Axes reputation.


Available from level 3, visit Gredeya the Witch or Brugilda the Sorceress. There are no restrictions.The archaic order of the Juggernauts is occupied with searching and killing the most dangerous monsters living in the world of Faeo. Since ancient times the hunters of the order went to the most remote and unexplored places, hoping to find a new Superbeing and to defeat it.Every time you kill a Superbeing your Juggernaut Reputation will increase by 10 points.

Superbeings - 1 kill = 10 reputation - up to 500

Superbeings - 1 kill = 10 reputation - up to 1000

Superbeings - 1 kill = 10 reputation - up to 2000

Superbeings - 1 kill = 10 reputation - up to 2500

Superbeings - 1 kill = 10 reputation - up to 2800

Superbeings - 1 kill = 10 reputation - up to 2900

Superbeings - 1 kill = 10 reputation - up to 3000

1 kill = 10 reputation. To get the resources from the monsters, you need the complementary secret knowledge guidebook.

To get the Medal of worship you need to collect the following:

Collecting Leros

Use Celestial Quicksilver to summon special superbeings to collect the Liros. Celestial Quicksilver can be obtained by exchanging the regular Juggernaut resources through dialogue with Demonologists Berrush / I-Vidi.Please note that some of these superbeings are stronger than their normal counterparts, but they all have the same skills.

You cannot get more than 35 in a single instance copy. After reaching a certain number of collected Liros, some Superbeing Spirits become unavailable.

Celestial Quicksilver exchange

ItemCelestial QuicksilverItemCelestial Quicksilver
Wolfer talon22Female Ashen Spider Egg310
Harcide stinger43Emperor Scorpion Bile326
Gurraldiy Korr Slime45Deathly Heart342
Cerberus Tongue83Changeling Shaman's Jaw374
Butcher Evil Eye86Arboslam Heart425
Dead Rum117Bone Dragon's Ashes662
Swamp Heart Flower122Edera Wreath680
Fiery heart216Uborg's Wisdom Tooth3150

Juggernauts Quicksilver exchange

The amount of Reputation with the Juggernauts will influence the amount of Quicksilver you will get for each resource you exchange. The better your relation with the Juggernauts, the more profitable the exchange rate that Gredeya and Brugilda offer will be.

Great Battles

Available from 7th level. There are no restrictions or initiations. You can increase your Reputation as participant in Great Battles by taking part in PvP fights between the nations.

Gain reputation by participating in PvP fights - Great Battles.

Received ReputationVictoryDefeat
Great Battle (10 vs 10)2515
Epic battle (100 vs 100)5030
Slaughter (400 vs 400)9555

To obtain the reputation of the Great Battles, you must inflict a certain amount of damage.

Player LevelRequired Damage Amount

In order to get the Medal of worship you need to collect the following:
- 300 scalps
- 1000 victories in Great Battles

Hunters of Fortune

The Hunters of Fortune community has been created by Humans and Magmars that like excitement, passion and risk, and have a desire to win. You can improve your reputation with this group and chance your luck in the tavern, by joining either Poker or Cardsharp at the table.

The games

DuelA real duel with cards where you evaluate your chances, guess the cards, and try to accumulate 21 point
SalagaBeating your opponent move after move, and accumulate all the cards until your opponent’s pack is empty.
TribolGuess under which cup the ball has been hidden to receive a prize!

Currency and stakes

You play for Marvelous Glasses – by-products from the use of a Scroll of Dilution. These scrolls can be acquired at the tavern shop. By using them you will receive enough Marvelous Glasses to use in the game.


For each hundred Marvelous Glasses handed over to Poker or Katala you will receive 20 reputation points.

Set aside enough time to play the games if you want to gain a lot of marvelous glasses at once.

To obtain the Medal of worship you need to collect 1000 grains of magic sand. You can get the sand by using Manuscripts of Crushing, turning 25 marvelous glass into 1-3 magical sand. Each manuscript cost 25 silver.

Materials neededAmount
Grains of sand1000
Marvelous glass8350 - 25.000
Manuscripts of Crushing334 - 1000
Gold (for manuscripts)250 - 750


Available from level 11, after completion of the Initiation quest, which can be received from Chooli-a-Veyna and Fairy-a-Maiya.The ancient race of the Eldives, which is involved in an eternal, bloody war with the Kroffdor tribe, is ready to accept you into the ranks of its army. The hatred between the two races runs so deep that that all spheres of life, all joy or progress for the Eldives is inexorably linked to the destruction of their sworn enemies. It is hardly necessary to say that the most distinguished trophy for them is the heart of the Kroffdor – the Centrido.

Prozio5 CentridosAureole
Anzio3 CentridosGrevior of Destruction
Grevior of Dismemberment

Procured Centridos are burned, to prevent the rebirth of their Kroffdor owners. To burn them you need a Prozio or an Antizio.The Prozio, which scoops up the hatred for the Kroffdors that is hanging in the very air, and transforms it along with the energy from 5 Centridos into a Magic Aureole.The Antizio uses 3 Centridos to create a Grevior – a terrible weapon that directs Destructors and Dismemberment greviors at mages.

5 reputation up to 500 reputation, capacity 100 power

5 reputation up to 1000 reputation, capacity 200 power

5 reputation up to 2000 reputation, capacity 400 power

5 reputation up to 2500 reputation, capacity 2000 power

5 reputation up to 3000

To get the Medal of worship you need to collect the following items:


Available from level 11, after completion of the quest Ordeal by Blood, which can be received from Dimedora and Reodora.The ancient race of the Kroffdors, which is involved in an eternal, bloody war with the Eldive tribe, is ready to accept you into the ranks of its army. The hatred between the two races runs so deep that that all spheres of life, all joy or progress for the Kroffdors is inexorably linked to the destruction of their sworn enemies. It is hardly necessary to say that the most distinguished trophy for them is the heart of the Eldive – the Incarnum.

Davagar5 IncarnumsAureole
Nevagar3 IncarnumsGrevior of Destruction
Grevior of Dismemberment

Procured Incarnums are burned, to prevent the rebirth of their Eldive owners. To burn them you need a Davagar or a Nevagar.The Davagar, which scoops up the hatred for the Eldives that is hanging in the very air, and transforms it along with the energy from 5 Incarnums into a Magic Aureole, which increases the magical abilities of its owner.The Nevagar uses 3 Incarnums to create a Grevior – a terrible weapon that directs Destructors and Dismemberment greviors at mages.

5 reputation up to 500 reputation, capacity 100 power

5 reputation up to 1000 reputation, capacity 200 power

5 reputation up to 2000 reputation, capacity 400 power

5 reputation up to 2500 reputation, capacity 2000 power

5 reputation up to 3000

To get the Medal of worship you need to collect the following items:


Available from level 6, during the quests Exorcism for Orlufia and Resurrection of the Chaos Demigod, after completing the task set by Octo-protectius Akvarius.Complete quests, fight the members of the New Wave and the terrible Sharkers andgathering the rare Gollade Pearls to earn reputation.

Recurring quests

Help for Underwater ScienceOkteon the Scientist5 ptsDaily

Monsters to hunt

To get the Medal of worship you need to prove your worth and complete a set of tasks and collect items.

ItemAdditional infoAmount
Stack of BooksCaptain's Cabin on the Sunken Ship1
Tasfero Body
Tasfero Pin
Abandoned cabin on the Sunken Ship1 of each
Efril ReplicatorRelic Seekers shop for 30g /
Chigrik or Gloum - 60g.
Deep Sea ShellsFrom defeating Baby Flangariy Korr [9]
and Captain's Helper [8]

Goddess Aladeya

Available from level 7. Absence of God of the Cursed and the Dead reputation.You can dedicate your life to the Goddess Aladeya by bringing offerings to the Altar of Life, which is located at Berona Ranges and at the Canyon of Immortality.


To get the Medal of worship you need to collect the following items:

God of Cursed and Dead

Available from level 7. Absence of Goddess Aladeya reputation.You can dedicate your life to the God of the Cursed and the Dead by bringing gifts to the Altar of Darkness, which is located in Vassals' Tombs and at Forgotten Graves.


To get the Medal of worship you need to collect the following items:

Great dragons

Available from level 7. No restrictions.The great dragons are superbeings that have been created by Sheara to embody the power of their race. Everyone who wants to can dedicate their life to the great dragon by offering goods to it.


To get the Medal of worship you need to collect the following items:

Spirit Charmers

Available from level 5. Only for warriors that are part of a clan. Initiation by Lady Guinevere and Lady Cordelia.Immersed in the affairs of the underworld, Lady Guinevere and Lady Cordelia are not distracted by the affairs of this world, but for their research they require Essences of living creatures. The brave warriors of Faeo join forces in clans and do everything they can to increase their Spirit Charmer reputation and acquire a Clan Totem. It just so happens that for both to get what they desire, they need to cooperate.

Pet levelRegular drop                    Additional  drop greenAdditional  drop blueAdditional  drop purpleAdditional  drop red
55 Essences+10+20+30+40
66 Essences+12+24+36+48
77 Essences+14+28+42+56
88 Essences+16+32+48+64
99 Essences+18+36+54+72
1010 Essences+20+40+60+80
1111 Essences+22+44+66+88
1212 Essences+24+48+72+96
1313 Essences+26+52+78+104
1414 Essences+28+56+84+112
1515 Essences+30+60+90+120
1616 Essences+32+64+96+128
1717 Essences+34+68+102+136
1818 Essences+36+72+108+144
1919 Essences+38+76+114+152
2020 Essences+40+80+120+160

In battles with monsters, whose level is the same as the warrior that summoned help in combat, the warrior may obtain a pet Essence. This is the embodiment in ghostly form of the spirit of the small helper of the defeated enemy. If your pet has undergone special training with Sweet Mila or Bonna Benita, then the likelihood of receiving a large number of Essences significantly increases.

LevelTotem       ReputationEffectCost (gold)
5Clan totem35.000Reflects 43% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 104 damage per turn.15
6Clan totem73.000Reflects 46% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 125 damage per turn.20
7Clan totem116.200Reflects 50% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 150 damage per turn.25
8Clan totem170.200Reflects 54% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 179 damage per turn.30
9Clan totem256.600Reflects 58% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 215 damage per turn.35
10Clan totem440.200Reflects 63% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 259 damage per turn.40
11Clan totem677.800Reflects 68% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 406 damage per turn.45
12Clan totem1.131.400Reflects 73% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 443 damage per turn.50
13Clan totem1.963.000Reflects 79% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 482 damage per turn.55
14Clan totem3.313.000Reflects 85% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 525 damage per turn.60
15Clan totem5.608.000Reflects 92% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 573 damage per turn.65
16Clan totem8.980.000Reflects 93% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 624 damage per turn.70
17Clan totem14.300.000Reflects 93% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 679 damage per turn.75
18Clan totem22.880.000Reflects 93% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 728 damage per turn.80
19Clan totem36.600.000Reflects 94% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 782 damage per turn.85
20Clan totem60.000.000Reflects 95% of the damage dealt to the player for 5 turns, but no more than 821 damage per turn.90

When your reputation reaches a certain level, it will be possible to acquire a Clan Totem, which is designed to protect in combat all warriors that have found favour with the Spirit Charmers. This magical charm is able to deflect damage caused in the heat of battle for 5 moves. The strength of the Clan Totem directly depends on the number of essences handed in: the more powerful the charm, the higher the percentage of deflected damage.It is important to remember that this reputation is only available to warriors that are in clans.

Shadow catchers

Available from level 11. After completing the quest «Encountering the Shadow Catchers» from Asseliander the Gloomslayer.Any warrior that reaches level 11 can join the brave Shadow Catchers, if they are not afraid to go hunting in distant, ghostly lands. The creatures living in the Cloister of Visions are able to instantly sense living flesh, and rip to shreds anyone who enters their territory. So, hunters use the Sands of Oblivion, which allow them, for a restricted amount of time, to become part of the ghostly world and hunt the spirits of the ancient dwellers of Faeo.You can buy Sands of Oblivion in Twilight storage by contacting Asseliander. The Gloomslayer will charge for them.

Instance accessible for 1 hour every 24hrs.

To get the Medal of worship you need to complete a quest, fight monsters and gather the following items:

Nymph Water god

Available from level 11. Absence reputation Sylph Air Goddess.Endowed with the gift of immortality the Water Nymph graciously accepts the offerings of the clever bug-eyed creatures and protects them from dark forces as well as providing them will all kinds of benefits.Warriors that visit the Isles of Swirling Mist can also try and obtain the favour of the Water Nymph and win her support by offering gifts at the altar, which the Habu call Nymphius, at Tentacler Valley.

To get the Medal of worship you need to complete the quest and collect the following items:

According to tradition the offerings to the goddess are placed in a Water Sphere. The Water Nymph will not accept the gifts without the magical sphere. The honourable Bluebelly is always willing to exchange a Water Sphere, from his hiding place for 1 gold.

Sylphius Air Goddess

Available from level 11. Absence of Nymph Water God reputation.The Habu tribe has long worshiped a menacing goddes, who controls air elements, in the hope of achieving her blessings and protection. The immortal Sylph graciously accepts the offerings of the clever bug-eyed creatures and provides them with all kinds of benefits as well as revealing the mysteries of ancient magic to them to help them overcome their enemies.Warriors that visit the Isles of Swirling Mist can also try and obtain the favour of the Sylph Air Goddess and win her support by offering gifts at the altar, which the Habu call Sylphius, at White Reef.

To get the Medal of worship you need to complete the quest and collect the following items:

According to tradition the offerings to the goddess are placed in an Air Sphere. The Sylph will not accept the gifts without the magical sphere! The honourable Bluebelly is always willing to exchange an Air Sphere, from his hiding place for 1 gold.

Trophy hunters

Receipt from level 3. No restrictions. Initiation by Burz the Knight and Cabur the Knight.Cabur and Burz, honourable knights of the Arena, after many years of observing the contests, created an association of warriors called the Trophy Hunters. Any warrior that has reached level 3 can join the brotherhood and participate in combat on the battlefields. The primary objective is to achieve as many victories as possible and collect trophies.

Rewards are only given on the condition that
the victim’s level is not lower by more than 1.

Battlefield:Required level
Underground Knight’s Arenacharacterlevel 3
Arena of Equalscharacter level 3
Crystalline Cavescharacter level 3
Caves of Equalscharacter level 3
Ancient Templecharacter level 3
Tournament of Worshipcharacter level 5-10
Tallaar’s Hallscharacter level 7
Meridian Vaultscharacter level 16
Character levelNumber of vouchers
for killing
Reputation limitMaximum amount
of vouchers
2070Not restricted1900

The number of vouchers you can obtain depends on the level of the target.

You can obtain Warrior Vouchers from any participant in the contests. The winner will receive the vouchers as their trophy. The more of these trophies you have the higher your position in the association. For each Warrior Voucher gained in combat you get 1 Trophy Hunters reputation point.

custodians of magic

Available from level 11 after completing Entertaining reading and Barachmung the Chronicler quests.The Ivmuar Manuscript Treasury Trove is in the mountain tops. You will have to face the astute Supervisor, who protect the parchments from robbers. You can get to the Ivmuar Manuscript Treasury Trove alone (without a group) every three days and no more than 12 hours. To find out if the bookstore of the Chosen is available for a new visit, refer to the quest "Instant Teleportation" at Ulvarno.To be able to get sevral manuscripts you have to defeat the guardians and troll, and pass the Barachmung Potion test.

Books and manuscripts

1 manuscrip = 10 reputation, up to 500 reputation

1 manuscrip = 10 reputation, up to 1000 reputation

1 manuscrip = 10 reputation, up to 2000 reputation

1 manuscrip = 10 reputation, up to 3000 reputation

To get the Medal of worship you need to complete the quest and gather the following items:

Defeat guardians to get sparks, 1 kill = 1 particle. You need 10 particles for the corresponding key. Use the keys to get to defeat the custodian, and get the book. You need all 6 books.

tomb raiders

Available from level 16. No restrictions. No initiation.If you feel an irrepressible craving for adventure and want to explore unchartered territory, you should head straight to the Tomb Raiders. If they consider you worthy, the daredevil pathfinders Ortego and Fergus, will teach you their tricks and share secrets with you about how to survive in the Forbidden City of the Zarlogs and obtain precious scales, from which one of the strongest types of armour in Faeo can be made.True pathfinders do not fear danger, risks and difficulties only serve to encourage them in their attempts to reach their precious goals. This is why the Forbidden City has always tempted intrepid explorers. Defeat monsters to obtain scales, craft armour and gain reputation.

From 0-500 reputation you need 9 kills.

From 500-1000 reputation you need 15 kills.

From 1000-2000 reputation you need 39 kills.

From 2000-2500 reputation you need 23 kills.

From 2500-3000 reputation you need 50 kills.

In order to get the Medal of worship you need to complete the questline and collect various items.

Pet patrons

Available from Level 11 from Bonna Benita and Sweet Mila.If you have reached level 11 and acquired magic skills that correspond to your position, then the time has come to put your skills into helping the residents of the pet nursery! Thankfully a great deal of effort will not be required for this - all the brave little ones need are good care, the caring hands of an owner and a little magic, which will strengthen them and help them become reliable and loyal defenders!To gain reputation, warriors can either complete tasks and quests from the handlers, or purchase a charm and slay monster to gain essence.

Tasks/questsEvery 3 days
MedalEvery day
Substance collectedReputation
5 Substance1 Reputation
50 Substance10 Reputation
250 Substance50 Reputation
500 Substance100 Reputation

To get the Medal of worship you need to complete the quest and collect various items.

Vision Interpreters

Available from Level 16. All-Seeing Eye is required to unlock the reputation. Initiation from The Faceless.As centuries were passing by, in the Meridian lands, appeared mysterious creatures, The Faceless. Whose appearance was so incredible, that it caused the heart to tremble in fear. This mysterious trio had an amazing gift - the ability to interpret the visions, that were telling about lurking power in the bowels of the earth.Once a day, you have an opportunity to hand in the quest on a chain of victories in the Meridian Vaults. The longer the chain of victories will be - the more reputation points of the Vision Interpreters you get.

The first 5 kills of the representatives of the opposite team in the battlefield will bring you 3 reputation points (up to 1000).

Repeatable quest - every day = 10 reputation.
6 different collection fragments = 15 reputation points (up to 2000).
Remember, that these quests are available only for those warriors, whose reputation points do not exceed 2000.If the amount of your reputation points is equal to or bigger than 2000, then as a reward for exchanging collection fragments you will get only elixirs.

Meridian Vaults

Chain of victoriesReputation
22 reputation points
(up to 3000)
35 reputation points
(up to 3000)
410 reputation points
(up to 3000)
520 reputation points
(up to 3000)

To get the Medal of worship you have to complete the quest and collect and hand in sevral items.

order of the Triads

Available from Level 16. No restrictions. Initiate by Ulvarno.Many years ago three Chosen ones created a secret brotherhood. The main goal of this order was to keep knowledge about the nature of triads, which sometimes became a prey for the warriors in the Meridian lands. Barachmung, Asseliander and Ulvarno spent a lot of time studying those mysterious spheres, and each of the Chosen ones devoted himself to one of the elements forming the triad, - the energy of life, death or ancient power.If you earn the trust of the ancient people, Ulvarno will accept you to the helpers of the glorious order. After that, you will get access to some of the secrets of the brotherhood and you will learn how to create powerful spells, that are inscribed on the tablets of the Chosen. Thanks to Ulvarno, you will be able to try the action of the Separatuses, that extract the particles of triads, needed for the rituals. Also you will be able to improve these magical devices with help of the special sketches.

Attention! Reputation can be obtained only when using the Secrecy of the Chosen Tablet!Attention! The imposition of the effect is possible only under the condition, that the character is not under the effect of opposite action. For example, if the character is under positive effect, to put on the negative effect is possible only after removing the positive effect. This can be made with help of the Secrecy of the Chosen Tablet.